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BPC 157

BPC157 is a peptide with regenerative properties that can be used to relieve multiple types of knee pain, BPC157 has the potential to repair, build cartilage and reduce the number of knee surgeries. Because of its reparative properties.

BPC157 Peptides for Sports Injury Repair

BPC157 Peptide for Injury Repair also called (Body Protection Compound or Bepecin)  is a Penta decapeptide made up of 15 amino acids discovered in human gastric juice.      It has been seen to accelerate the healing of injuries- Including gastric ulcers, tendons, ligaments & bones in testing. BPC-157 activates the proteinic FAK-paxillin pathway. Induces F-actin formation in fibroblasts. Increases the probability of cell survival during oxidative stress. BPC-157 is currently in phase II clinical trials for the treatment of IBD.


BPC-157 is used to treat injuries.

We have noticed that the subcutaneous injections of BPC-157 work best when injected as close to the site of injury as possible. For an IT tear, ACL/MCL the patient would draw up 200mcg into an insulin syringe and inject as close to the tendon as possible twice per day, usually in the morning and evening time. Physical therapy during this period is crucial, as well as light stretching after the initial inflammatory period has subsided. Most patients notice an aching sensation almost immediately, this is normal. 


Patients notice a difference in about 1-2 weeks, but 4 weeks is the recommended therapy duration. This is very injury specific, partial tears have higher success rates then complete tears. A full tear typically requires surgical intervention since the ends of the tendon start to die almost immediately. A surgeon would then snip off the ends to expose and connect the healthier tissue. For partial tears, or minor fractures BPC-157 has had very promising results & is getting athletes back to their sport in about half the time.


We recommend patients come in person to receive proper diagnosis.

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